3.8 times around the Earth. Van Trials 2023 results
PR Team
8 Jan 2024
In this year's trials, along with accumulating total mileage, we focused on testing Arrival Vans in extreme environments and conditions. Performing perfectly in and around Banbury, our vehicles have also shown exceptional results in Dubai, simulating delivery cycles in sweltering hot weather. Furthermore, our devices have successfully made an international trip from Banbury to Zurich.
Hot environment testing Dubai, July 2023
120°F (48°C) ambience temperature
12 hour shifts
1 hour breaks
30 × 2 min stops, simulating delivery cycles
124mi (200 km) daily
Urban and suburban environment
4.2T (full payload) — 50% of the time
2.1T (half payload) — 50% of the time
Fault free run in all driving conditions. No issues, no warnings
Improved interior temperature 81.5°F (27.5°C)
DC charging at public stations
Positive subjective perception feedback from driver
Pull away very well on gradient (12-15%) at different speed and with all payloads conditions (traffic, speed bumps, roundabouts, traffic lights, slip-roads), being able to accelerate from 0 mph
Fault free international trip Banbury to Zurich, July 2023
Over 700 miles (1130 km)
2.5 days
DC charging at public stations
No issues, no warnings in all driving conditions
Positive subjective perception feedback from driver
Trials summary
26 weeks
~280 shifts out of Banbury
Over 93,250 mi (150,070 km) run — UK, Europe, Dubai
180 employees involved driving + Professional drivers
20 development engineers conducting tests
14 Assets including Labvans and running vehicles
54 software features validated
900+ test executions, excellent 96% success rate
We have successfully engaged investors, accelerated development processes, enhanced problem-solving efficiency, set the stage for Arrival Van system development through lessons learnt sharing. Through testing and road driving mileage we have paved the way for future advancements.Investor Relations